Marking time in February 2010
Halal gelatin
I have mixed feelings about accepting comments on this blog. In my darker moments I feel like I should just close down commenting, because the comments add so little value to this site, but cost me some housekeeping time. Almost all incoming comments are spam—these are automatically discarded. Of the few that get through the filters, most are childish vandalism (which I remove one by one), there are a few relevant contributions, and a tiny proportion that I find interesting and diverting. I do find it odd which posts attract the comments. The winner is a piece about my interest in obsolete editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, with 227 comments.
My 16 April 2002 post about animal glue has also been popular with the commentariat. Until yesterday 79 comments had made it through the filters, mostly from manufacturers seeking markets for their products.
Today I was cheered up by the 80th comment, left by a manufacturer in Malaysia who was offering something new: Halal gelatin. Well, I wasn’t expecting that!