
New year’s resolution for 2010

Thursday 7 January 2010

I have resolved to compile a checklist of lighthouses that I would like to visit some time. I have already said I want to visit Muckle Flugga. Next on the list is in Chennai (formerly Madras) in south­ern India. The postcard below shows an amazing ar­chi­tec­tural mashup of lighthouse and courthouse. The building, de­scribed as an exquisite example of Indo-Saracenic style of architecture, incorporates the lighthouse lantern room and optical apparatus in the top of its highest dome. Flickr user NavneethC took a nice telephoto shot that shows the Chance Brothers lantern grafted into the Indo-Saracenic dome.

High Court with Light House Tower, Madras, postcard published by Wiele & Klein, Madras.

There have been four generations of landfall lighthouses at the port of Madras, of which three are still standing​—​a stone tower (1844), the nearby court house (1892), and the current light­house (1977) located several kilometres to the south.

The list

From time to time I’ll add lighthouses to this list, and tick them off as I visit them:

filed under History + Lighthouses

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