Dub dub dub
I heard this today on Radio New Zealand — Linda Clark interviewed a guest, then announced his web address: Dub-dub-dub wildlands dot cc, instead of the usual clumsy dubya-dubya-dubya…
The Jargon Dictionary has an entry for the term, showing that this is an established usage:
dub dub dub [common] Spoken-only shorthand for the “www” (double-u double-u double-u) in many web host names. Nothing to do with the style of reggae music called ‘dub’.
Another jargon glossary adds the term whack, as a replacement for slash. So, the spoken version of my domain goes like this:
Http colon whack-whack dub-dub-dub dot marquis-dash-kyle dot com dot ay-you. Still an awful mouthful.