Ratbag of note: Erik von Sneidern
Erik runs the Disstonian Institute, a website full of arcane information about Disston saws. Henry Disston started making saws in 1840 and for the next hundred years Disston saws were the best in America.
Erik explains why he set up the Disstonian Institute: When I became interested in Disston handsaws just a few years ago, information was scattered here and there, lots of it was word of mouth, and there were no websites related to saw collecting. Online resources were limited to a couple of sites with reproduced catalog pages. It was a start, but I was not the only one looking for a place to see photos of old saws or to find the manufacturing date of a particular Disston saw. For the most part, I think I’ve accomplished it, so I hope it’s of use to you.
Well it was useful to me, Erik. How else would I have known that my D8 saws (a rip and a crosscut, both with DualGrip handles) were made before 1928?